Learn more about ECCHIC (Employers Committed to Control Health Care Costs) and the Premium Busters.
Our approach to health insurance involves making costs transparent and putting control back in the hands of the employer. Today we'll explain a unique ECCHIC tool, as we discuss what it means to unbundle health care costs.
To learn more about what we can do for your independent pharmacy or small business, please visit https://www.ecchic.com/
You can directly sign up for one of our webinars here https://www.ecchic.com/events/
In this mini-episode, we summarize the advantages small business owners can gain from working with local providers and local pharmacies. Learn how your benefit...
In this episode, we discuss the uneven playing field between small employers and large employers, and how that impacts equity.
Would you rather pay 84 dollars a month for a prescription, or 9500 dollars a month?Do you trust a typical insurance company to identify...